Verbena is one of those garden essentials that bloom from spring to fall with very little fuss.
Verbena bonariensis flowers on tall, wiry stems and can be planted with a variety of different perennials, including grasses. It has a long flowering season, making it an ideal plant for low-maintenance gardens and herbaceous borders.
Verbena bonariensis works well in a number of garden settings, such as cottage and contemporary gardens, due to its height and airy appearance. It s also beneficial for attracting wildlife, particularly butterflies.
Seeds Specifications
Seeds per Packet
Common Name
Blue Vervain, Common Verbena, Common Vervain, Eisenkraut, Enchanter s Plant, luisa
120-150cm (4-5ft)
Flower Colour
Deep violet, lavender, red, pink, cream and white
Bloom Time
July, August, September, October
Difficulty Level
Planting and care
While the verbena flower is drought resistant, the blooms are improved with regular watering of an inch or so each week
Water verbena plants at the base to avoid wetting the foliage
However, verbena plant care may not include weekly water if rainfall in your area has reached an inch or more
A limited application of complete, slow-release fertilizer is also a part of verbena plant care
Apply in spring and again following the occasional trims needed for optimum bloom
When planted in proper verbena growing conditions, expect blooms the first season
Continued blooms throughout the summer are possible if the gardener keeps the plant trimmed back
Some are hesitant to remove parts of the plant regularly, but this is often necessary when planting verbena for summer blooms
When blooms slow, trim the entire plant back by one fourth for a new show of flowers in two to three weeks
Fertilize lightly following the trim and water well
Repeat this step as needed when learning how to grow verbena successfully
When planting verbena, remember to water, fertilize and trim for long lasting color in the summer garden and beyond
Verbena Quartz Mixed Color care
Verbena plants, known for its brightly colored blossoms and fast growth, are sun-loving and drought tolerant, making them perfect for warmer climates
While you can buy started verbena plants in a garden store or nursery, growing them from seed may be gentler on your budget
To start enjoying your verbena as soon as possible, plant the seeds indoors in a seed tray approximately 12 weeks before the last spring frost in your specific area
In a short time, you ll have splashes of cheerful color for painting your home s landscaping pallet
Full Sun
Water regularly until the plants are happy and well established. Thereafter, water them only when very dry.
Plant in ordinary garden soil.
65 to 70 degrees C
Verbena needs to be fertilized only once a year – in spring when the plants are about 4 inch tall. Use a complete fertilizer, and don’t fertilize verbena plants when you first set them out in the garden. Wait until they are established and growing.
Harvest Season
Wait until after the flowers fade and wither away, leaving behind the seed heads.
Pick the stalks once the seed heads dry and fade to the same shade of brown as a paper bag.
Place the seed head in a well-ventilated, warm room to dry for two weeks.
Lay it in a bowl lined with paper towels to absorb any excess moisture as it dries.
Remove the paper towels, then crumble the seed head into the bowl. Remove any large pieces of non-seed plant matter.
Label an envelope with the verbena variety and the year the seed is harvest.
Place seeds into the envelope and store in a cool, dry place.Alternately, fill a cloth bag with 1/2 cup powdered milk and place in the bottom of a jar.
Place the seed envelope into the jar and screw the lid on the milk absorbs any excess moisture.
Store in the refrigerator until ready to plant.
Verbena Quartz Mixed Color special feature
The lavender flowers of verbena attract butterflies to the garden throughout summer.
An annual, verbena varieties range from pretty ornamentals to lemon verbena, which is used as a lightly citrus-tasting herb.
Verbena Quartz Mixed Color uses
1.Ornamental Use:
Verbena is a popular hanging basket plant, and it also looks good in rock gardens or as an edging, and in window boxes
You will find them in your local garden center in little pots and big hanging baskets
2.Medicinal Use:
Lemon verbena has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries, touted for use as an antispasmodic, antipyretic (fever reducer), carminative, sedative, stomachic, and antimicrobial
Little or no research is available regarding its medicinal use
3.Culinary Use:
The leaves and flowering tops are used in teas and as beverage flavors